
The services which I.S.T S.A. offers to the customer, have the advantage having a complete product, Design - Prototyping Testing - from one company (one-shop-stop) and can cover the following sectors:

  • Design of Industrial products with the aim of the Software for 3D design SOLIDWORKS
  • Engineering Simulation using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with the aim of the SOLIDWORKS Software  Simulation (COSMOS M).
  • Creations of Functional Prototypes.
  • Product Validation using tailor made jigs for different kind of Pulling & Push Tests.
  • Mechanical Endurance Tests in its Lab in Control Environmental Conditions (Temperature-Humidity).
  • Market Research and Evaluation of Suppliers and Subcontractors.
  • Cooling Performance Tests in different Climatic Conditions.

Developing Strategy for I.S.T. s.a.

Develop Partnerships

We want to share the challenge of innovation and competitiveness through collaborative R & D. Our target is to participate in cooperative projects with the other companies through structured programs with specific goals and a clear division of the tasks among the participants.

International Strategy

Hence, I.S.T. S.A. has already established a close cooperation with other companies our strategy is to reinforce our international actions with other clusters and companies in the space industry and other fields. This effort is strictly related with the mission of the other partners creating together a world class network on space technology.